Patricio Garcia de Paredes

Message by Patricio Garcia de Paredes
My life was influenced by macrobiotics at an early age. My mother struggled with health issues for most her life until she was told that there was no hope for recovery. That prompted her to look inwards and find a way to regain health through her own efforts. Reflecting upon her life she realized that poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle was the main factor causing the deterioration of her health and considered making changes. And that’s what led her to macrobiotics and meet Michio and Aveline Kushi, educators and main proponents of the macrobiotic way of life at the time.
Soon after that encounter comprehensive changes in my family’s food choices, cooking and dietary habits began to take place. At the time I was living in Formentera a small island in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain. We began sourcing most of our food locally while learning and implementing healthful aspects of the food culture. Being a small island, the majority of people in those days maintained a simple self-sufficient lifestyle and still produced, processed and cooked most of their food. We started eating staple foods such as whole-wheat sourdough bread, seasonal fresh vegetables, beans, almonds and fruits along with unrefined sea salt, cold-pressed olive oil, naturally fermented olives and other traditional local ingredients. And reduced animal food besides a moderate amount of freshly caught fish on occasion. This way of eating based on a traditional Mediterranean pattern is now being referred as a whole food, plant-based diet and promoted by nutritionists and health organizations to help prevent and possibly reverse chronic disease. But in those days when scientific evidence on the health benefits of plant-based diets was not yet available we began practicing because of macrobiotics.
Along with these changes, we also learned and implemented into our lifestyle traditional aspects of the Japanese and Asian food culture as well as holistic oriental notions for maintaining balance and health. We began cooking using fermented seasonings such as miso, soy sauce and rice vinegar all of which contain healthy probiotics that now we know contribute to a healthy gut, strong immunity and better overall health. Incorporated brown rice and sea vegetables into our diet, made tofu and tempeh, and paid more attention to our way of cooking, menu planning and other practical ways of maintaining balance in daily life. Little I knew at the time that the Japanese and Asian food cultures after intensive research would one day be considered among the healthiest in the world. And individuals and families that still adhere to a traditional way of life are not only able to reduce chronic disease but also live long, happy and fulfilling lives.
In time my mother recovered her health and vitality. This little story while growing up awoke in me a lasting interest in the relationship between food, lifestyle and health. And it set me up for a lifelong journey dedicated to study, apply, develop and share the macrobiotic way of life with others. Meanwhile I have enjoyed cooking since childhood and been engaging in this important art both at home and professionally throughout my life. The reason I chose this path was inspired by my own family favorable experience. My mother taught me at an early age that health is my own responsibility and handed down to me valuable tools for helping maintain my own health. She also told me that health may not be all in life, but without health everything else matters little. Words coming from her own life experience that still resonate with me and continue to influence my lifework.
My interest to know more about macrobiotics led me to study under Michio and Aveline Kushi who shared with me oriental principles of health, balance and harmony. I also developed a close relationship with them and later collaborated to spread macrobiotics and set up educational activities in Japan. Since its early days macrobiotics has been influenced by Eastern and Western influences and by assimilating traditions along with new ideas and innovation. Now, after many years residing in Japan and frequent visits to Asia I continue to learn and deepen my understanding of oriental culture and the traditional way of life. Which has helped me cultivate my own practice and the way I share it with others.
The world is coming to a crossroads and the choices we make and decisions we take have important consequences to our lives and future generations. In these times of change macrobiotics can be a source of inspiration, guidance and hope for those seeking sensible solutions to address personal and planetary problems. Macrobiotics encourages strengthening health by paying attention to our food choices and making improvements in our way of cooking, eating and living in a more balanced natural direction. Also, developing ourselves while being more respectful, grateful and considerate to others. Macrobiotics can be learned and put into practice little by little by anyone anywhere. This approach may seem somewhat inadequate for solving our problems because of its simplicity and practicality. But it can have a far-reaching positive influence in individuals, their families, in society and the planet as a whole because it deals with the root cause of our difficulties which is nonother than ourselves and our way of life.
I take this opportunity to introduce Global Macrobiotics, an initiative envisioned by me and carried out along with my associates and students to make macrobiotics more relevant in today’s changing world. Our intent is to develop macrobiotic education and share the benefits of the macrobiotic way of life with more individuals and families around the world. Through our network of schools and organizations we are offering macrobiotic educational programs and courses in different formats, available locally in more countries and translated to different languages. Together we are also engaging in a variety of related activities to promote natural sustainable lifestyles and raise awareness about the importance of taking better care of our own health and the planet. With these endeavors we wish to contribute towards the realization of a healthy, happy and peaceful world.
Patricio Garcia de Paredes
Global Macrobiotics Founder
1970 Born in Barcelona, Spain
1975-1985 Introduced to the macrobiotic way of life by his mother Luisa Baranda. Began cooking at home and occasionally engage in his mother’s activities to promote healthy living and natural organic foods.
1985-1988 Moved to Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. Part-time jobs at Erewhon natural food store and Satori macrobiotic restaurant. Graduated from Brookline High School.
1989-1994 Macrobiotic studies at the Kushi Institute in Brookline and Becket, Massachusetts and with mentors Michio and Aveline Kushi.

1994-1995 Begin teaching, imparting cooking classes and other related activities to promote healthy sustainable living in various locations around the world including South East Asia, Costa Rica, Peru, Europe and the United States.
1996-1997 Visit Japan various times with Michio and Aveline Kushi and engage in educational activities.

1998-2002 Chef at Kushi Garden macrobiotic restaurant in two locations in Tokyo. Impart cooking classes. Publish first cookbook Non Sugar Sweets. Recipes and articles featured incookbooks and magazines.

2002-2004 Executive chef at Chaya Macrobiotic Restaurants in various locations in Tokyo. Impart cooking classes. Recipes and articles featured in cookbooks and magazines.

2004-2016 Served as Education Director and main teacher at the Kushi Institute of Japan. Recipes and articles featured in cookbooks and magazines. Publish Patricio’s Happy Macrobiotic Sweets. Trained chefs from the Ritz Carlton, Westin, Sha Wellness Clinic and other hotel chains and restaurants to implement macrobiotic foods and menus. Teach and impart cooking classes internationally. Became recipient of the Aveline Kushi Award.

2016-2020 Establish Kushi Macrobiotic School in Tokyo. Teach and impart cooking classes both in Japan and internationally.
2021~ Founder, director and main teacher at Macrobiotic School Japan (MSJ).
2023~ Founder, director and main teacher at Global Macrobiotics School (GMS). Initiate an international Global Macrobiotics network with partner schools in Malaysia, China and Vietnam to provide macrobiotic education and promote healthy sustainable lifestyles. Co-founder of Macrobiotic Global Institute (MGI) a non-profit based in the United States to provide online macrobiotic education and activities to promote personal and planetary health.